Tradition since 1935

As early as 1935, our company was founded in Heidelberg by Fritz Fels Senior. Starting with horse carriages, the first truck was soon added to the vehicle fleet.

After the war, growth was disruptive and we specialized in machine transports in the 1960s.

Up until today, we offer several kinds of transports, spanning the classic private move, office relocations and machine transports. And through all this, we strive to be flexible and innovative.


2021 Nadine Beck (the fourth generation) takes over the management
2021 Thomas Beck dies after a short, serious illness
2020 Foundation of a new company in Plankstadt: FES GmbH Einrichtungsservice
2019 Beginning with vehicle transportation
2017 Award for social dedication: Beispielhaftes Unternehmen
2013 Official logistics partner of the International German Gymnastics Festival in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.
2012 Award for social dedication: Sozial Engagiert.
2010 Member of the union "Heidelberger Handwerk"
2007 Award for sustainable management „Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften“
2006 Member of the Society of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
2001 Change of the company’s legal status from OHG to GmbH with Thomas Beck as general manager
1999 Leading involvement in the relocation of the German Bundestag to Berlin
1992  Fels Jr. develops the heatable truck for relocating printing machines considerately
1980 We begin to dis- and reassemble machines for our clients.
1971 Fels Jr. co-founds Confern Containerpool which is concerned with optimized usage of container storage room. The company is to enhance relocations on rails by using swap bodies. Confern Containerpool AG developed into what is today a leading company in renting and leasing containers, trailers and similar appliances.
1966 Founding member of Confern furniture transports. In order to enhance the performance of the company, Fels Jr. founded Confern with 13 other freight companies.
1965 Fritz Fels Junior becomes general manager.
1962 Invention and presentation of the inclined lift by Fritz Fels Junior.
1960 First machine and business relocations.
1956 Overseas transports for the US-military.
1935 Foundation of the company FELS as a moving company and storehouse OHG.
Innovation and tradition:
  • Relocations since 1935
  • Innovative development for our clients
  • Highest quality and security have priority
  • Commitment structures our day-to-day business!
  • Solution-oriented and non-bureaucratic processes
Contact us: 
Nadine Beck - Fritz Fels GmbH
Nadine Beck
+49 6221 787626
nadine.beck [at]