Individual logistics for machine transports

You want to install your machine in a hall with low ceiling? Your old machine is to be taken down from the fourth floor in exchange for a new one? No problem! We also find solutions for tricky spatial conditions.

Relocating production lines

For relocations of whole production lines and plants we are your qualified partner. Particularly if dismantling the whole installation is not possible anymore or would be too expensive, we can help.

We offer customized logistics solutions

Our design engineer Jürgen Reising constructs special, individual transport devices which are build in our own locksmith’s shop. And even if you’re in a hurry because we know that business interruptions have to be kept at a minimum.


Construction of transport and assembling devices:
  • Individual planning
  • Construction with CAD
  • Assembling aids and devices
  • Transport devices
  • Own metal workshop
Contact us: 
Jürgen Reising
Jürgen Reising
06221 7876 19
juergen.reising [at]
Adrian Saul
Adrian Saul
+49 6221 7876 38
adrian.saul [at]